Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sugar Fast Update

Oh hi there, fitmepeeps. Have you missed me? Sorry...I've been sitting on the couch, humming a tune with my fingers in my ears to drown out the sounds of SUGAR calling to me from the kitchen.
I'm not gonna lie. It's been a MAJOR test of willpower. All I wanted to eat on Monday was leftover birthday cake. Why didn't I just throw it away? Not sure. But I didn't have a single bite. I've gone for three days now without even a morsel of chocolate. That's huge for me.
Normally, the first thing I think to do when my kids start screaming, is grab a handful of chocolate chips. Oh, naptime is over? Chocolate chips. You can't share that toy? Chocolate chips. You're mad because you can't watch Word World again? Chocolate chips. They're small, so they don't count, right? Wrong. It adds up.
So I've been a REALLY good girl! And my fridge is stocked chock full of fruit. I had to consciously decide to eat an apple instead of chocolate chips on Monday. It wasn't what I wanted, but it totally satisfied me. Now that I'm almost over the first week hurdle, I'm not stopping! How about you?


  1. Same for me!!!! Why is it that when you decide to stop eating sugar, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, thinks that is the perfect time to offer all kinds of sweet temptations. It's sooooo not fair. At any rate, I'm holding strong, even though I'm eating sugar once a week. I think I have to work up to the cold turkey thing. I definately applaud you Robyn.

  2. No soda this week. I'm holding out for the weekend...

  3. I resisted ice cream last night at mutual, ice cream sundeas that is. It was my first day on no sugar, and that always seems to be the hardest for me (its the I can always start tomorrow syndrome)Kevin even agreed to the sugar fast, mr. sugar himself, allowing it once a week. However it was late and he was SUPER tired and his head was already on the pillow when we talked about it and he agreed, so we'll see.

  4. Almost 3 weeks now. Sugar almost doesn't even sound good anymore. I said almost. I did have a short fantasy that I entertained about making some homemade ice-cream. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can remain strong!

  5. Hey, I know I'm not very good at visiting this sight but I went for almost 2 weeks with no sugar and now I am off bread, rice and potatoes. I still eat a little whole wheat bread but white is out for me. I have dropped 8 lbs so far and I feel GREAT! So as much as I love sugar, I don't really miss the UP high and the DROP after I've eaten it. I feel like a junkie looking for a fix every day about 3pm but I drink lots of water and try to find something good to eat like celery. I know, not the same as sugar but it sure makes me feel better. Anyway, I am on a 30lb weight loss journey (used to be 40 yipee) because I'm tired of hiding inside this body that is too big for me. Good job on your sugar fast! Keep it up, it feels amazing and not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU!
