Monday, October 5, 2009

The New High Fructose Corn Syrup Anthem

I've told you before about my food-label-reading obsession. My husband never fails to make fun of me as I mock products containing High Fructose Corn Syrup. He should know better. In the final weeks of my second pregnancy, he brought home the wrong kind of wheat bread--the kind with High Fructose Corn Syrup. I literally cried for over an hour! (A little hormonal, anyone?)

A few weeks ago, my husband brought home some "juice." You know, the kind of juice that isn't really juice. He brought home the kind that lists HFCS as the second ingredient--second only to water--on the label. I started getting upset, but he must have prepared for any emotional outbursts on my part. He began singing his own made-up the tune of God Bless America. It was catchy, alright. My 3-year old now walks around singing about High Fructose Corn Syrup. Nice.

If you're curious, here are the unfortunately catchy lyrics:
High Fructose Corn Syrup (to the tune of God Bless
High Fructose Corn Syrup
That's what we eat!
It's delicious, not nutritious,
But it makes our food taste sweet!
My kids filled up on HFCS crap-juice for the next several days, my husband luckily avoided an angry outburst, and we are all still singing the dang song. What's a girl to do?


  1. Um. I'm going to need to hear this song via video. Please do share. Very catchy song.

  2. Too funny. Your kids are slowly going to start finding out just how crazy we really are.

  3. Oh Robyn, you are just like Grandpa. He reads all of the labels and if I bring home something that doesn't fit the list of good stuff wellll that is really bad.

  4. What is the deal with husbands anyway and their crappy juice? They just don't get it.

  5. I know - all I have to do is skim a label for literally 2 seconds or less and I know if its "synthetic crap" "regular crap" or "good stuff." It really sucks to get stuck with the first two!

  6. Whatever happened to good ol' water. My husband likes to drink flavor, too, no matter what it looks like. So I've told him, add a lemon or lime, mint leaves, and ice and you've got a pretty great NUTRITIOUS, low calorie drink, you can even add a little stevia, and "presto" something flavored. And as for fruit juice I say EAT the fruit and enjoy the juice that way, it's better anyway. Will they ever get it? Never the less...I shall not give up.

  7. I have just started reading labels. For the longest time I just bought what I thought would be easy and convenient. I still do that, but by reading labels I can find the food that will ALSO be beneficial to my kids. I never knew how much HFCS is in EVERYTHING these days. Funny song! Leave it to Joe :)

  8. I wish I had remembered to have Joe sing this to me when I was in town!!

  9. I'm enjoying your blog so much! I'm a new follower!
