Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Featured on Studio 5!

I've been meaning to get on here and update about my amazing marathon experience, but man...the recovery has been rough! I'll post the details in the next few days, but in case you're wondering...I finished in 3 hours, 39 minutes, and 55 seconds! Exactly 5 seconds faster than my goal! I was thrilled! Details will follow, but I wanted to share something first....

I was featured today on Studio 5! Katie Shepherd, of Meaningful Moments shared tips on "Writing Memories Worth Reading" and shared a little clip from my post about my sweet nephew Jack. Check it out... Thanks Katie!


  1. So touching--brought a tear to my eye. You have such a gift with words. That's so neat others got to see that on Studio 5 ! ! !

  2. I was excited to see this. I still can't watch or read your post about Jack without crying. So sweet!

  3. That was a really interesting segment! They were great tips for how to write so I'm glad I watched it just for that reason, but also your part was awesome! I always love reading what you write anyway and that was just one beautiful example. So sweet!

  4. Look at you, gettin' all famous! So cool! You certainly deserve it. And your marathon.... WOW!!! Congrats!! What an awesome time! You totally rocked it! Now that's something to be proud of. Can't wait to hear the nitty gritty details. Great job!
