Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why I Love Races

Tomorrow morning I am running in the 3rd annual memorial 5K for my husband's grandpa who passed away in 2006. It is just a family 5K that family members can run/walk each year to kick off the family reunion festivities. Best part: it's free, and still gives you that good-amazing-end-of-the-race-finish-line feeling. Can't wait.
I was reflecting the other day on just how much money my husband and I have spent on running races over the years. This year alone has cost us several hundred dollars (not including gas and hotel costs for the out-of-town ones.) But honestly, it's money that I wouldn't want to spend on anything else. I LOVE races. I'll tell you why:
  1. Races give me a reason to run. It's a lot easier to get out and run long distances when I know that I'm working towards something. (i.e. working towards not collapsing on the course!)
  2. Races are a concrete way to track my running progress.
  3. Race-day endorphins are addicting!
  4. Crossing the finish line--no matter how long the race--puts me on a high for days!
  5. Being a runner in a race is a lot more fun than being a spectator!
  6. I love being surrounded by hundreds of other runners headed for the same finish line!
  7. Lots of people don't care about it, but I love the special shirt I get just for running the race!
  8. I love finish line treats!
  9. I love the finisher medal.
  10. I love feeling like I actually accomplished what I set out to do.
  11. I love seeing my cute family at the end!
  12. Finish lines ALWAYS make me cry.

After the 5K tomorrow, I have one last race to finish the season. My husband and I (along with 10 others) are running in the Las Vegas Ragnar Relay. I can't wait!

If you've never run a race, start with a 5K. You just might cross the finish line and go sign up for a marathon!

Have you ever run a race? Are you addicted, or did you swear off running forever?

For more fit-me-running tips, go here!


  1. ditto to everything you said. and I'm pretty sure everyone does races for the shirt. can't wait for our next race!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. maybe if i ran one, i would enjoy them...but don't think that means i'm signing up for your next marathon.

  4. I need to run a 5K so I can feel the endorphins from that...but that's it! What great motivator you are to running....keep, keep, keep it up...keep that running spirit it up!

  5. Running a race definitely keeps your running progress going, you have to!! I was inspired by Robyn to run my first half-marathon before Tate turned one. I did it, and it was awesome! I would start crying at the gym, while running, just thinking about that future finish line and people there supporting me! what an awesome feeling, and yes I want to do it again. As I keep mentioning this post baby muffin top is killing me and what better way to shave it off than to run, run, run! Now if I could just get past the first part here when places all over my body are jiggling that really shouldn't jiggle that much! Any tips on that?! J/K

  6. PS, if you were wondering Robyn won the John Grant Bartholomew 5K! Way to go Roby Doby!! Sp?

  7. You won the 5K? Way to go Robs!! I admire your "do it" attitude! Love ya!

  8. I love races for the shirt and the medal too!! and of course the endorphins are excellent!!! :) I did the ogden relay this year... my first running experience ever and I'm hooked! I'm totally doing it agian next year! :)
