Friday, January 8, 2010

Unapologetically ME!

A few days ago, my cousin Stie wrote about the parts of our lives we choose to reveal on our blogs. (And if you don't read her blog, by the way, you should. When I first started blogging over on my sad, neglected family blog, hers inspired me to try a little harder to BLOG a little better. Really.) Anyway, Stie's post really got me thinking about who YOU all think I am. As a blogger, I have to liberty to be whoever I want to be....or whoever I want you to think I am. More often than not, I definitely try to put my BEST self out there for the world to see. But how often do I let you in on the other side of me? The one I cover up with makeup and a cyber-smile everytime I log on to blogger? to give myself a LITTLE credit, you all know that occasionally I turn into Monster Mom. You know that I will never brave a 1700-mile drive again with two small children while pregnant. You also know that sleep-deprived-me is not one to invite over for game night. But you probably think that I never miss a day of exercise, that my kids get full servings of fruits and vegetables each day, and that I have no problem waking up at 5 am to get in a full workout each day.

Well FitMePeeps, to even things out a bit, I'm going to let you see much more of the real me than I've EVER shown you before. Actually, the only ones (un)lucky enough to see this side of me are my family, and other occasional household guests. I honestly NEVER leave the house without makeup. So here I am in my just-out-of-bed-greasy-hair-under-eye-baggage-and-no-makeup glory!

Yowza! I'm sure my husband was surprised when he saw me without makeup for the first time. I actually can't remember if I ever let him see it pre-marriage. I'm hoping for his sake that I did. Had to let him see what he would be waking up to each morning...for, well, forever.

And while I'm exposing myself, why not let you in on a few more pieces of the real me.

  1. The main reason NO ONE ever sees me without makeup is that I have blonde eyelashes. I've ALWAYS hated them. Even if I'm going to the gym at 5:00 in the morning, I cover up those beauties with a bit of mascara. I NEVER leave the house without makeup. Ever. Luckily, I actually truly enjoy the makeup and primping, but I really wish I were one of those girls who truly, honestly looks good without makeup. I'm just not. Soon after my wedding, my new sister-in-law invited me to go with her to dye our eyelashes. I was silly enough to put on mascara before she picked me up. I just wasn't ready for her to see the real me. These days, if I don't have my makeup on for the day, I probably won't even answer the door. I guess I'm a bit vain, but if you see me outside of my house, you can bet a gazillion dollars (and win) that I'll have makeup on.

  2. I constantly compare myself to others. If I know I'm not good at something, I have a really hard time doing it. Take last night for example. I went ice skating with the youth for a church activity. I'm a terrible ice skater. I went around the rink twice, and spent the rest of the time standing outside, wishing I were like the amazing 5-year olds out on the ice. Getting better ain't gonna happen on the side-line!

  3. I often feel like my life is completely unorganized. If I haven't decided what I'm doing the next day before I go to bed, I waste most of the day. Before I know it, it's 5 pm, my kids are whiny, I don't know what's for dinner, and the only time I've left the house is to work out (if that).

  4. And finally, what other people think about me matters WAY. TOO. MUCH. I am constantly reading people's faces, gestures, and emotions to make sure they aren't mad at me, etc. I hate salespeople for this reason, because saying "no" to them feels very personal to me. I need to be liked.

There you go. A few bits of reality for you. And now that I've exposed myself, I would love to see the real you. Without makeup. Without a cyber smile. The person you face in the mirror each morning, for better or worse. Post it on your blog, or leave a comment with a few insights into YOU.

Ready, GO!


  1. I lurk your blog occasionally. I rarely comment, but I wanted you to know I appreciate your honesty and frankness with this post. I feel quite like you in many ways.

    It's comforting to know that someone who seems completely put together, is a times, not put together.

    Have a blessed day!

  2. I like unapologetic you. You're darling, and much cuter than you realize. Thanks for playing along! It's good to put it all out there once in a while, eh?

  3. I feel lucky to know the real you. To be honest, though, I think you've let us all in on those "secrets" before. You've got a pretty true-to-you blog.

  4. Nice picture! What a great post and very thought-provoking. Luckily, for me I get to know the real you every day and it's not much different than the "you" on your blog. I think your readers should appreciate the fact that you are totally "real" and it's nice that you want them to get to know you "real" better! Nice job!

  5. Wow I can totally relate... I have brown hair and my eyelashes are such a light brown that they seem blonde... so yeah I don't feel completed until after I put on my make up! And the saying no to sales people... just ask Nikki I have the hardest time... We went to the mall once and I ended up spending about 400.00 that was an unusual day but lets just say I dont' go to the mall often anymore! Anyway Loved your post! You are awesome and I totally look up to you! :)

  6. I totally relate to couple of those observations - the totally unorganized if you don't plan the day ahead....sometimes I think that its so incompacitating! But its true. Also the vain thing - I must admit is true about me also - and in part because my eyelashes are anemic, I feel- I am glad there are others out there similar to me! Thanks for sharing!

    And I am NOT brave enough to post that picture - maybe one day...

  7. I love this post and agree with everyone else who knows the real you. I was kind of laughing as I read each of those things thinking me too. Since you already know what the real me looks like I'll do the rest of bloggerspace a favor and not post a picture of the real me.

  8. Robyn, you and I need to hang out more. And I mean it. Every time I read your blog I hear myself saying YES IT'S SOOO TRUE, YES I FEEL THAT WAY TOO. I've never wondered who you were because you are ALWAYS VERY real. And I have to say you look great make-up or no make-up. Love the post! Here's to being REAL:) And if I can figure out how to post pictures on my new computer you will see the very real me too. Awesome!

  9. Great post Robyn! I love how REAL you are both on and off the blog!

  10. I loved your post and I love the real you whoever you are. To me you are beautiful with or without makeup - SO THERE!!!!! At my tender age that I am now if I put makeup on too thick it fills in the cracks and that is just hideous because of all of the problem areas. I am what I am and that is all that I am. Robyn you are so refreshing and natural I am very proud of you and the young woman you are. Oh by the way, be glad you have eyelashes at all. That is another thing that happens when you are matured (old)like me.
