Monday, January 11, 2010

What I'm Reading...

So, it's Monday, and for the first MONDAY in quite a while, I'm feeling super motivated to get this week going! Why? (Besides the fact that I need to post SOMETHING new so that the real me isn't the face you see smiling when you enter FitMePink!) I spent all weekend reading (from start to end) this:

I loved how Dave Ramsey, in The Total Money Makeover compared being "financially fat" to being physically out-of-shape. It's time to take a serious look in the mirror to evaluate all areas of our lives. That's right...look in the mirror, stop sucking in your belly, and see what's really there. Of course, the point of the book is to teach you how to financially "live like no one else so you can later live like no one else," but the principles can carry over to many more aspects of life as well. Read it. Very inspiring!

The other reason I'm excited is that today I'm going to start reading this: Can't wait to learn about the fact that we, the human race, were actually literally designed to run. The author argues that running is at the heart of what it means to be human. Running, in essence, should be sheer joy! Born To Run, here I come! (Thanks, Michael, for the suggestion!)
What has you excited on this wintery Monday morning? What are you reading?


  1. Love the book "Born to Run." I just finished it a week or so ago. I'm not sure I could ever try the barefoot running thing though. Enjoy the read!

  2. We're stuck in the middle of "The Lovely Bones." Anne wanted to read it before she saw the movie, and then I got hooked. It's depressing, but compelling.

    I'm really excited to talk to you about "Born to Run." I can't believe you finished Dave Ramsey's book so quickly.

  3. I heard this book was awesome...
    The Runner's Rule Book: Everything a Runner Needs to Know and then some. by Mark Remy

  4. LOVE The Total Money Makeover...come to think of it, I took it camping last year and read it in a day also! I've read it several times, it really has such great information and is so easy to apply.

    I'm going to have to check out the other one too, thanks for the suggestion!

    I've been reading and re-reading Body-for-Life by Bill Phillips...I am on week 7 of my 12 Week Challenge, WOOHOO!
